It's Kind of a Cheesy Love Story

  • Post by Rachel Comish
  • May 14, 2019
Level: Teen
Recommended Age: 13-18
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Tags: Diversity, Family, Food
Mature Content:

  - Moderate language: Some swearing, including a couple F bombs, as well as allusions to bullying.

  - Mild sexuality: Multiple kissing scenes and descriptions of make outs.

Beck Brix is the Bathroom Baby: born in a bathroom stall of a local pizza parlor and gifted with both free pizza for life and a job when she turns 16. The only problem is Beck is lactose intolerant and dead set against working at Hot ‘n Crusty. Unfortunately for Beck, after her sweet 16 she finds herself decked out in a classy “I’m Hot ‘n Crusty” t-shirt and constantly covered in marinara. But even though she’s bummed to miss football games and bonfires with her school friends, Beck starts enjoying getting to know her geeky coworkers better. It’s hard to know who you are when you’re only 16, but Beck goes on a very cheesy journey to discover herself and what she’s willing to fight for: even if it’s not what she expected.


This book is impossible to put down, as addicting and comforting as your favorite pizza place. This author took a news story about a baby born in Chick-Fil-A and put her own twist on it. I would hate to give birth in a fast food restaurant bathroom, that sounds like an actual nightmare and Beck’s mom is the one who should be 100% traumatized. But Beck is the one still recovering from having her identity labeled from day one. She’s a little lost and confused about who she is and what she likes. She’s 16 and she’s still figuring herself out and that’s okay. The important thing is she learns and progresses. She starts making more and more decisions instead of just letting life happen to her, and it strengthens her character. She’s not this amazingly mature, talented, master of life, she’s just normal. It makes her and her story so relatable.

I absolutely love Beck’s parents! I love how none of the conflict is within her family, it’s just a safe and happy space full of endless baking and endearing dad jokes. The author mentioned in an interview with the Novelbound podcast that she didn’t want anything bad to happen to Beck’s parents. So many times, books start off with a death or divorce or conflict within the family and it was nice to take a break from that. Her dad reminds me of all my favorite teachers, and her mom is a baking queen. Beck is never embarrassed by her parents. She loves her mom fussing over her and always being there for her, but fully supports her baking business. This book really celebrates small businesses, which makes sense since it is focused on a locally owned pizzeria.

The pizza parlor is full of fun characters, from Del the enthusiastic Italian to Julianne the unexpected boss. I love all the nerdy boys and how they give Beck a safe space to nerd out. Frank and Julianne are the cutest, and Tristan is a peacefully quiet, content boy with his life figured out until Beck comes in and confuses the heck out of him. It’s deeply entertaining how baffled they are by each other.

Speaking of Tristan, the conversation about college versus non college options is GOLD. College is not for everyone and it’s way too expensive to just go for the experience. Tristan has already started his own carpentry business and is learning from his dad. He has a platform and customers and doesn’t need a degree. Beck can’t fathom why anyone would skip out on college, but Tristan’s explanation is so good for teenagers to hear!

Beck sort of teeters between her old friends and her new friends, which is something everyone has struggled with. The two friends groups are very distinct and different, but have more similarities than Beck realizes. It’s fun when they start interacting with each more, especially Tamsin and Julianne. Tamsin is such a confident person who is comfortable with who she is. She’s sort of the anti-Beck, but is never against Beck. She calls Beck out on her crap and is super blunt and sassy, but also encouraging and gives random makeovers so everyone can feel special. Everyone needs a Tamsin in their life. She’s one character I would love to see a short story about, as well as Julianne and Frank of course.

This book is packed with lovable characters, pizza, and desserts. Do not read this while dieting! But definitely settle right in if you need something cute and relaxing where no one dies, and be ready to eat while reading because this is the cheesiest of love stories.

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