Meena Harper is sick of the vampire obsession taking television by a bloody storm, including the TV show she writes for: Insatiable.
read moreMeena Harper is sick of the vampire obsession taking television by a bloody storm, including the TV show she writes for: Insatiable.
read more“The Fates weren’t dangerous because they were evil; the Fates were dangerous because they couldn’t tell the difference between good and evil.
read moreLady Hollis Brite has lived at the palace long enough to know the young king’s attention never lasts long.
read moreBryce is half human and half fae, and living in a melting pot city where different creatures of all kinds can (mostly) live in peace despite their differences.
read moreAbriella and her sister Jas are barely surviving. Their parents are dead and the aunt who took them in is determined to work them into the ground.
read moreThis book opens with Nadya and her best friend Kostya stuck on potato duty in the cellar of a monastery after their pranks went a step too far, and balanced a lighthearted humor with dark struggles.
read moreJaya and Isha are princesses of India, but being a princess isn’t easy in a technological world where everyone can watch your every move.
read moreGrace Blakely is a teenager recovering from the trauma of watching her mother die.
read moreAmora is the princess of Visidia, training to be the High Animancer.
read morePoppy has always lived with the knowledge of her fate. As the Maiden, she has a responsibility to the people and a future already decided for her.
read moreLou has left the safety of her home to live freely as she pleases in a city, but that city is full of witch hunters whose sole purpose is to hunt and burn women like her.
read moreMortals aren’t known for surviving in the faerie realm, but Jude and her twin sister Taryn have the fortune (or misfortune) of being half sisters with the daughter of the Fae’s general.
read moreLady Helen has been raised to manage a household, be a good wife and mother, and make everyone around her comfortable and happy.
read moreGuinevere arrives in Camelot with one purpose: to protect King Arthur.
read moreXimena’s sole purpose is to protect her Condesa, the rightful leader of La Ciudad.
read moreLiz Lighty lives in a small conservative town in Indiana that only specializes in one thing: obsessing over prom.
read moreAlessandra is tired of her family holding her back, and when an opportunity to catch the Shadow King’s eye comes her way she uses all of her cunning to get what she wants.
read moreAs a child, Isabelle was happiest dreaming of adventures. But growing up in a world that only values pretty smiles has made the temperamental stepsister bitter at everything she has had to give up just to fit into a society she has no interest in.
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