

This futuristic spin on a classic fairy tale centers around a cyborg mechanic who ends up in her own version of Cinderella, though it has notable differences from the traditional story.

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Dragonwatch opens the sequel series to Fablehaven, picking up right where Fablehaven left off.

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The Shadows Between Us

Alessandra is tired of her family holding her back, and when an opportunity to catch the Shadow King’s eye comes her way she uses all of her cunning to get what she wants.

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As a child, Isabelle was happiest dreaming of adventures. But growing up in a world that only values pretty smiles has made the temperamental stepsister bitter at everything she has had to give up just to fit into a society she has no interest in.

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The Warrior Heir

Cinda Williams Chima debuts her writing skills and shows her love for adventure and magic in The Warrior Heir.

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The Wicked Deep

Ever since the three Swan sisters were drowned as witches two hundred years ago, the seaside town of Sparrow is cursed.

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